As for me,i'm not suprised with statistics. I thought it will be more than 25%,because now most of the teenagers and even adults aren't happy with their life. There are a lot of cases when teenagers commit suicide because they think that their life is unhappy and so on. As for me,i'm happy with my life,because i have both parents,a young sister and a young brother,i have friends who always support me,i have home,i have everything that i need. I think my life is very good and much more to come. As for the happiest moment of my life,well there are a lot of them,i can't choose only one. In conclusion,what is happiness?Well,it depends on a person. For me happiness is spending time with my family and friends,trying something interesting and new, travelling , studying languages, and just to know that i have people that love and support me. So,that's all.
it's great to know that you feel happy and things are good for you. Hope they'll stay this way amd wish you good luck! Can you add a brief description of some moment in your life when you felt particulary happy?
Thank you so much! As i wrote i had a lot of moments when i felt happy. One of them was when my young brother was born. In that day i was so happy that now we have a little baby and new family member.
Now , let's investigate some of conditions some people consider controversial. Some experts though say the problem is all in the mind.
Investigate one of those on the list below:
Chronic fatigue syndrome Seasonal affective disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Road rage A "wild card" To do it consult the wikipedia and share the information about the article in it you have chosen: provide the following information - entry title -a link to it -a sentence or 2 about why you have chosen it -a couple of sentences about what you learned from this article and what else you would like to learn
I've chosen that article: I was pretty surprised to read about such condition, so it is pretty obvious that I was interested in it. Have you ever heard about that before? So, it is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle. I suppose it is extremely dengerous for people and why it isn't discuissed widely? I believe that it is very interesing and important aspect. People should somehow prevent int, shouldn't they?
I have chosen the "Road Rage" article.
I have chosen exactly this theme because nowadays the Road Rage behavior is very wide-spread. We live in the time where traffic jams took the big part of our life. Staying in this conditional we start to be nervious. In my opinion, it is normally becuase no one wants to spend their time to this useless moments. Time the most valuable thing we have!
I've read in Wikipedia about Road Rage. I've chosen it because i've never heard about it and i wanted to know what it is. I've learned from this article that road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle, which includes rude and offensive gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or a pedestrian in an effort to intimidate or release frustration. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults and collisions that result in serious physical injuries or even death. It can be referred to as an extreme case of aggressive driving. What i would like to learn is that, is this a common problem in Russia, and how people can fight this disease?If we can call it like that.
it's clear why you have chosen it but the way you reported it is not acceptable because you copied the information from the Wikipedia, it's a form of plagiarism called "cut and paste" plagiarism. I'll explain next time why it is unacceptable and what to do to avoid it
I’ve read an article about Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Link: )
This mental disorder is triggered by a traumatic event and can cause severe changes in the behavior of a person. Symptoms and their intensity vary from person to person, there’re four types of symptoms you can get acquainted with in the article. I’ve decided to read about PTSD, because all the terrifying triggers of it such as accidents, assaults, violence etc. are not as rare as most people think. In my opinion, the problems it causes are incompatible with normal life and people must get professional help to cope with such things. I also think that all people should be aware of mental illnesses; thus, we can avoid such brutal social tendencies like depreciation of personal traumatic experience and also people would know the ways to help their friends and relatives.
I have discussed that topic with Julia. Well, we were not surprised by these statistics (25% of people suffer from anxiety, see no hope for the future, etc.). Besides, we were discuissing the meaning of the word "happiness". Firstly, we are basically happy with our lives. We have a lot of benefits, we have beloved people, etc. Some drawbacks like failures at the university and something like that are not so important. Secondly, we were thinking about our the happiest moments but there are a lot of them. Probably, let it be spending time with our beloved people or the birth of my sister and Julia's brother. Finally, what is happiness? Both of us agree that the happiness consists of such spects like: family, cozy home, lovely friends, marvelous moments, love and support. Moreover, happiness is different for every person.
thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's good to know that you feel happy and appreciate what you have. I can't but agree that some problems at the university can't in the end cloud your life for a long time if at all. As for the happiest moments, again they are usually connected with the lives of people who are the closest to you. Certainly having new family members is one of the happiest moments in your lives and this is what can and makes you happy. I wonder though how to keep this feeling because in the end it's fleeting. Do you have an idea?
So, nowadays this topic is very common in our life. A lot of teenagers are under depression due to different cases. In my opinion, the most popular aspect of depression and anxiety is teenager's unconfident of their appearance. It tooks the begining in their childhood when parents do not say them pleasent words. Parents don't assert that their children are best of the best. Due to this, the children's self-confidence starts to fall. Especially it affects to girls.They think they have overweight or their face doesn't seem like a model face from glamour magazines. Well, our World shouldn't be so strict and we should try to do our best for solve this problem.
Well, I think it is a real problem in our time because there are a lot of teenagers and they have their problems. I feel it because I was a teenager too. But there are no hopeless situations and everyone can find the way out. We just should talk with our young people and help them. It is tvery important because they have not yet formed their outlook on life and do not know what they want. We have the same problem in our country and we should do our best to solve it.
thanks for sharing your opinion. Indeed, there are no hopeless situations but one of the problems is that when you feel this way you probably do not realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. So, let's see how this discussion develops and maybe it'd be a good idea to find some useful resource(s) that give(s) some pieces of advice about what to do to get out of the situation you have found yourself in.
I have chosen an article about road rage .
It is interesting for me and i would like to pass the driving test and get a certificate. Well, it is very important to keep calm on the road and be very attentive. And if you are faced with aggressive driving, you should always try to solve the problem in words and defuse the situation. So, this is the problem for all countries and everyone should watch his or her behavior.
We've discussed this difficult topic in groups and here're some thougts about it. Considering the fact, that people in big cities are very busy and have a lot of recponsibilities, the big percentage of people being depressed is disturbing; however, it is expected. It is worth mentioning, that stigma around depression and mental ilnesses is getting weaker, people are less afraid to open up about their problems and ask for help. Most of the people feel happiness when they're travelling or spening time with their closest friends and family. This fact emphasises the need of a human to have some time for themselves. People are likely to feel happiness when everything in life is balanced.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Indeed, it seems that the topic of depression and anxiety has become less accute, at least among the people i know and from what I've read in the media. It's also true that it seems many people feel more open nowadays to speak about such problems more openly. Still some others suffer considerably from depression and anxiety. What I think would be useful (interesting?) to learn more about is how to help people preserve their mental health.
We've discussed this difficult topic in groups and here're some thougts about it. Considering the fact, that people in big cities are very busy and have a lot of recponsibilities, the big percentage of people being depressed is disturbing; however, it is expected. It is worth mentioning, that stigma around depression and mental ilnesses is getting weaker, people are less afraid to open up about their problems and ask for help. Most of the people feel happiness when they're travelling or spening time with their closest friends and family. This fact emphasises the need of a human to have some time for themselves. People are likely to feel happiness when everything in life is balanced.
Depression is a serious ilness that in most cases needs medical treatment. We were surprised by the percent of people in Britain who suffer from this problem. We think that these statistics are quite inaccurate, because depression is the second most frequent ilness in the world, so the percent shouldbe higher. Then, we talked about happiness and came to the conclusion that this state of life is not a permanent condition. We can be happy right now, but become deeply sad in 10 minutes. In general we are satisfied with our life, but hapinness is something more than just a satisfaction. Happiness is a strong and emotional realisation that everything you are doing is right, that you are living a life you are proud about. You can feel happiness when you are doing something you love or communicating with people who make you feel good. We understood that there were a lot of special moments in our life that made us happy, like travelling or going at our favourite band's concert, but sometimes we become happy just from little things or just from noticing these little things that are burried in our high-speed life.
what I suggest you to do at home is finding a resource that discusses some ways of keeping your mental health in a good condition. Share what you have learned from this resource and what questions about this topic you have as the result of reading it.
In essence then what I am sking you to do is to prepare a summary of the article you have chosen. I'll explain in a new post today how to summarise the articles from such resources.
Dear All, Today we'll first revise the structure of a 5-paragraph essay by reading and discussing an essay about Market Forces in Business and then we'll complete set of exercises to help you improve your skills in writing thesis statements. Hope you will find these activities useful. Can you comment on the content & structure of this essay: Interesting? (Why or Why not?) Logical? Well-supported? Your comment Add your versions of the thesis statements in the thread below. This is an example from the textbook: ...
Dear All, Welcome to the second semester of the Academic Writing course! I hope you had a good semester break and are ready to continue mastering your writing skills. Today we're going to discuss what students' life around the world is like and then create a guide for the students from other parts of the world coming to study at our university. It'd be great if as part of this task you could interview a student from another department about what his/her life at the university is like and what kind of experiences s/he has had, both good and not quite. In the end I'm hoping that we'll be able to create this guide that your peers will be able to use to make their life easier. In the thread below please share a summary of your discussion of the qus in Ex 1 Also, here is a link to the University of East Anglia students' guidebook: You should ...
As for me,i'm not suprised with statistics. I thought it will be more than 25%,because now most of the teenagers and even adults aren't happy with their life. There are a lot of cases when teenagers commit suicide because they think that their life is unhappy and so on. As for me,i'm happy with my life,because i have both parents,a young sister and a young brother,i have friends who always support me,i have home,i have everything that i need. I think my life is very good and much more to come. As for the happiest moment of my life,well there are a lot of them,i can't choose only one. In conclusion,what is happiness?Well,it depends on a person. For me happiness is spending time with my family and friends,trying something interesting and new, travelling , studying languages, and just to know that i have people that love and support me. So,that's all.
Deleteit's great to know that you feel happy and things are good for you. Hope they'll stay this way amd wish you good luck! Can you add a brief description of some moment in your life when you felt particulary happy?
Thank you so much! As i wrote i had a lot of moments when i felt happy. One of them was when my young brother was born. In that day i was so happy that now we have a little baby and new family member.
DeleteI can imagine! What's your brother's name? How old is he now? can you share some funny moment from your family's and/or yours communication with him?
DeleteNow , let's investigate some of conditions some people consider controversial. Some experts though say the problem is all in the mind.
ReplyDeleteInvestigate one of those on the list below:
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Seasonal affective disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Road rage
A "wild card"
To do it consult the wikipedia and share the information about the article in it you have chosen: provide the following information
- entry title
-a link to it
-a sentence or 2 about why you have chosen it
-a couple of sentences about what you learned from this article and what else you would like to learn
Road rage
DeleteI've chosen that article:
I was pretty surprised to read about such condition, so it is pretty obvious that I was interested in it. Have you ever heard about that before?
So, it is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle. I suppose it is extremely dengerous for people and why it isn't discuissed widely? I believe that it is very interesing and important aspect. People should somehow prevent int, shouldn't they?
I have chosen the "Road Rage" article.
DeleteI have chosen exactly this theme because nowadays the Road Rage behavior is very wide-spread. We live in the time where traffic jams took the big part of our life. Staying in this conditional we start to be nervious. In my opinion, it is normally becuase no one wants to spend their time to this useless moments. Time the most valuable thing we have!
I've read in Wikipedia about Road Rage.
DeleteI've chosen it because i've never heard about it and i wanted to know what it is.
I've learned from this article that road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle, which includes rude and offensive gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or a pedestrian in an effort to intimidate or release frustration. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults and collisions that result in serious physical injuries or even death. It can be referred to as an extreme case of aggressive driving. What i would like to learn is that, is this a common problem in Russia, and how people can fight this disease?If we can call it like that.
Deleteit's clear why you have chosen it but the way you reported it is not acceptable because you copied the information from the Wikipedia, it's a form of plagiarism called "cut and paste" plagiarism. I'll explain next time why it is unacceptable and what to do to avoid it
I’ve read an article about Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Delete(Link: )
This mental disorder is triggered by a traumatic event and can cause severe changes in the behavior of a person. Symptoms and their intensity vary from person to person, there’re four types of symptoms you can get acquainted with in the article. I’ve decided to read about PTSD, because all the terrifying triggers of it such as accidents, assaults, violence etc. are not as rare as most people think. In my opinion, the problems it causes are incompatible with normal life and people must get professional help to cope with such things. I also think that all people should be aware of mental illnesses; thus, we can avoid such brutal social tendencies like depreciation of personal traumatic experience and also people would know the ways to help their friends and relatives.
I have discussed that topic with Julia.
ReplyDeleteWell, we were not surprised by these statistics (25% of people suffer from anxiety, see no hope for the future, etc.).
Besides, we were discuissing the meaning of the word "happiness".
Firstly, we are basically happy with our lives. We have a lot of benefits, we have beloved people, etc. Some drawbacks like failures at the university and something like that are not so important.
Secondly, we were thinking about our the happiest moments but there are a lot of them. Probably, let it be spending time with our beloved people or the birth of my sister and Julia's brother.
Finally, what is happiness? Both of us agree that the happiness consists of such spects like: family, cozy home, lovely friends, marvelous moments, love and support. Moreover, happiness is different for every person.
Natasha & Julia,
Deletethanks for sharing your thoughts. It's good to know that you feel happy and appreciate what you have. I can't but agree that some problems at the university can't in the end cloud your life for a long time if at all. As for the happiest moments, again they are usually connected with the lives of people who are the closest to you. Certainly having new family members is one of the happiest moments in your lives and this is what can and makes you happy. I wonder though how to keep this feeling because in the end it's fleeting. Do you have an idea?
So, nowadays this topic is very common in our life. A lot of teenagers are under depression due to different cases. In my opinion, the most popular aspect of depression and anxiety is teenager's unconfident of their appearance. It tooks the begining in their childhood when parents do not say them pleasent words. Parents don't assert that their children are best of the best. Due to this, the children's self-confidence starts to fall. Especially it affects to girls.They think they have overweight or their face doesn't seem like a model face from glamour magazines. Well, our World shouldn't be so strict and we should try to do our best for solve this problem.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good suggestion to try to be less strict to each other but the quetion is how to achieve it? Do you know?
DeleteWell, I think it is a real problem in our time because there are a lot of teenagers and they have their problems. I feel it because I was a teenager too. But there are no hopeless situations and everyone can find the way out. We just should talk with our young people and help them. It is tvery important because they have not yet formed their outlook on life and do not know what they want. We have the same problem in our country and we should do our best to solve it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletethanks for sharing your opinion. Indeed, there are no hopeless situations but one of the problems is that when you feel this way you probably do not realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. So, let's see how this discussion develops and maybe it'd be a good idea to find some useful resource(s) that give(s) some pieces of advice about what to do to get out of the situation you have found yourself in.
I have chosen an article about road rage .
DeleteIt is interesting for me and i would like to pass the driving test and get a certificate. Well, it is very important to keep calm on the road and be very attentive. And if you are faced with aggressive driving, you should always try to solve the problem in words and defuse the situation. So, this is the problem for all countries and everyone should watch his or her behavior.
We've discussed this difficult topic in groups and here're some thougts about it. Considering the fact, that people in big cities are very busy and have a lot of recponsibilities, the big percentage of people being depressed is disturbing; however, it is expected. It is worth mentioning, that stigma around depression and mental ilnesses is getting weaker, people are less afraid to open up about their problems and ask for help. Most of the people feel happiness when they're travelling or spening time with their closest friends and family. This fact emphasises the need of a human to have some time for themselves. People are likely to feel happiness when everything in life is balanced.
ReplyDeleteI´ve sent it from another email. Sorry
DeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts. Indeed, it seems that the topic of depression and anxiety has become less accute, at least among the people i know and from what I've read in the media. It's also true that it seems many people feel more open nowadays to speak about such problems more openly. Still some others suffer considerably from depression and anxiety. What I think would be useful (interesting?) to learn more about is how to help people preserve their mental health.
DeleteWe've discussed this difficult topic in groups and here're some thougts about it. Considering the fact, that people in big cities are very busy and have a lot of recponsibilities, the big percentage of people being depressed is disturbing; however, it is expected. It is worth mentioning, that stigma around depression and mental ilnesses is getting weaker, people are less afraid to open up about their problems and ask for help. Most of the people feel happiness when they're travelling or spening time with their closest friends and family. This fact emphasises the need of a human to have some time for themselves. People are likely to feel happiness when everything in life is balanced.
ReplyDeleteDepression is a serious ilness that in most cases needs medical treatment. We were surprised by the percent of people in Britain who suffer from this problem. We think that these statistics are quite inaccurate, because depression is the second most frequent ilness in the world, so the percent shouldbe higher. Then, we talked about happiness and came to the conclusion that this state of life is not a permanent condition. We can be happy right now, but become deeply sad in 10 minutes. In general we are satisfied with our life, but hapinness is something more than just a satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteHappiness is a strong and emotional realisation that everything you are doing is right, that you are living a life you are proud about. You can feel happiness when you are doing something you love or communicating with people who make you feel good. We understood that there were a lot of special moments in our life that made us happy, like travelling or going at our favourite band's concert, but sometimes we become happy just from little things or just from noticing these little things that are burried in our high-speed life.
Dear All,
ReplyDeletewhat I suggest you to do at home is finding a resource that discusses some ways of keeping your mental health in a good condition. Share what you have learned from this resource and what questions about this topic you have as the result of reading it.
In essence then what I am sking you to do is to prepare a summary of the article you have chosen. I'll explain in a new post today how to summarise the articles from such resources.