Post 7: Ways to improve your vocabulary mastery

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Dear All,

I'd like to discuss with you some useful techniques for learning new vocabulary and since your brain is not a blank slate, here is my plan for our today's class.

First, I'd like to ask you to discuss in your groups of 2 or 3 your favourite technique for memorizing, recollecting and brushing up your vocabulary. Share your answers in the thread.

Next, I'm inviting you to read the artile about some strategies for learning vocabulary which are associated with what is known as spaced repetition learning strategies:

Have you used a similar strategy? If yes, can you share your experience with us by first discussing it with each other and then sharing it in the thread.

After that I'd like to ask you to share the list of dictionaries you use on a regular basis and explain your reasons for your preferences.

Still after that, I'm inviting you to complete the exercises Onestopenglish website aimed at giving you some practice in brushing up your dictionary skills: 

Hope these activities will be useful and give you some idea about how to improve your knowledge of vocabulary further.

If you find some more useful techniques and strategies to master your vocabulary, please share them in the thread.


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