Post 5: The Citation Machine

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Dear All,

Are you aware of the necessity to acknowledge the resources, such as web-site pages, articles from online resources, images you come across on the web as well as music clips and similar materials? Do you know how to do it or rather what informaton you need to provide?

I'd like to help you with this and share a tool The Citation Machine that can help you do it easier and correctly too. Follow the link above to access it.

And below is an example of what this tool does:
I've found an article about abortion that really caught my attention. It is the article
'Shrouded in shame': the young women on either side of Ireland's abortion debate' published in The Guardian (30.01.2018). Here I just added the link to the article, clicking on which will take you to the corresponding page. However, you should know about two ways you need to provide a reference to the reading selection you refer to in your writing:
a) in-text: here it is short and includes the name of the author, the page
b) end of your work: full reference details
  • Author and/or editor names (if available); last names first.
  • "Article name in quotation marks."
  • Title of the website, project, or book in italics.
  • Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date.
  • URL (without the https://) DOI or permalink.
  • Date you accessed the material (Date Accessed).
Using the Citation Machine you will get the following reference:
Amar Kafia. “Shrouded in Shame': the Young Women on Either Side of Ireland's Abortion Debate .” The Guardian, 30 Jan. 2018, 
And another useful tool to use is a "URL shortener" which will help you to have shortened URLs in your works, which is just a matter of convenience but also it can help your work look less cluttered with long links:

here is the link to the url shortener I'm inviting you to use:
Altogether, this tools will help you write in a more technically advanced way that is a common feature of today's web-writing style.


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