Post 10: Ways-of_improving_your_vocabulary_mastery

Dear  All,

I hope you'd find the tasks I've prepared for you for today useful as well as interesting. What I'd like to discuss with you are some useful techniques for learning new vocabulary. I'm sure you've discussed some aspects of this topic before, so first I'm inviting you to share with your peers in your groups of 2 or 3 the following question:

What's your favourite technique for memorizing, recollecting and brushing up your vocabulary? Share your answers in the thread.

Next, I'm inviting you to read the artcile about some strategies for learning vocabulary which are associated with what is known as spaced repetition learning strategies:

Have you used a similar strategy? If yes, can you share your experience with us by first discussing it with each other and then sharing it in the thread.

After that I'd like to ask you to share the list of dictionaries you use on a regular basis and explain your reasons for your preferences.

Still after that, I'm inviting you to complete the exercises Onestopenglish website aimed at giving you some practice in brushing up your dictionary skills:

Hope these activities will be useful and give you some idea about how to improve your knowledge of vocabulary further.

If you find some more useful techniques and strategies to master your vocabulary, please share.


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  2. Some ways to memorize new words.

    We've shared with each other the most effective ways to memorize vocabulary. I also would like to mention that in my opinion these ways are very common among students in general:

    1.Cards - A person makes a pile of small papers, one side has a new word and other side has the translation. This method can be trasformed into a game where two people compete in getting the biggest amount of correct answers by taking one card after another.

    2.A list - A person has some new words on the left side of a sheet of paper, on the right side we have the translation or the definition, then the person folds the paper in half and tries to difine each word from the left side. The method is similar to the one with cards, but a bit different.

    3.Watchig specific videos and films - This method might be used in cases when the list of new words is not very big and the words are connected to a narrow topic e.g. software terms, cooking terms etc.

    1. Angelina, thanks for sharing this information with me and your peers. You are quite right these ways of mastering your vocabulary are rather common. However, you probably have your own preferences. Do you? Can you share them with us? Also, what about apps, such as Duolingo (, for example? Do you find them useful? Why or why not?

    2. These are my preferences, that's why I've shared them. I tried Duolinguo and i didn't like it much, I think this app is made for the people, who are too lazy to learn languages profoundly. I just didn't find it effective. There are more sophisticated ways to learn languages and with them people can learn words in bigger amounts and in different contexts.

  3. So my friend and I have been discussing our 'techniques' for memorizing words and the outcome we`ve got is that both of us do not really have any special activities for that. We simply write down the words, read them several times, then check them one by one... I believe everybody does that. Nothing special, nothing useful. Just THRILLED to learn more about some strategies to improve our vocabulary.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Using the ways to remember words you have mentioned is indeed common. However, using different vocabulary learning apps has been gaining in popularity for some time now too. Have you used any? If yes, what is your impression about using them? Would you recommend a couple that you think would be really useful to use?

  4. The easiest technique I use is to write down a list of words and their translations across from each other. After that I reduce that list: cross out the words I've known. After that I ask someone to check.
    The next thing which helps me to learn new words is to make a cards. I write down new word on one side of card and translation on the other.
    In school I used to learn poems by drawing them, but now it isn't work.
    The last technic useful for me is to write the word on the object it denote.

    1. Hello Nastya,

      thanks for sharing your vocabulary learning experience with us. Can I conclude from what you have written that you found the techniques you have described the most useful or you have mentioned them as the ones that you have been using more as a matter pf habit?

  5. Dear All,

    I think it'd be logical to continue this discussion by trying to use one of the apps designed to help you improve your vocabulary.

    Here is my suggestion:

    Choose one of the apps from the list you can access at
    You can choose the same one if you wish but it'd be better if everybody used a different one. What you need to do is install it on your mobile and use it for a week to discover its positive and negative sides if you find such. You need to make a list of words you have tried to remember this and share a report about it with us.

    1. This is a list of apps to choose from for those of you who have an Android phone. I'll share the list of apps for the iPhone for you to choose from later today.

      Thanks for agreeing to do this task. I hope that you b'll learn something useful from this experience and am looking forward to discussing your experiences with you.

    2. Dear All,

      and here is a list of apps to choose from if you have an iPhone:

      In essence your task is the same: choose one of the apps, use it for a week and prepare your notes about using it, so that we would be able to prepare a joint report about your use of these apps, which I hope, would be helpful for you from the point of view of helping you to improve your vocabulary in hopefully more effective and efficient way.

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  7. Dear All,

    I was not sure where to publish my note about the Brit Film Fest in Nsk next week:

    Hope you'll manage to go and am looking forward to getting your impressions

  8. Dear All,

    I'm hoping you are having a great weekend and wish you to have smth interesting to do. Here is the explanation of the task I'm hoping you will find interesting to complete.

    The purpose of this activity is to further discuss the ways of mastering vocabulary and using this information to learn to write a report about it. We'll write the report together in class but you need to have the information for it ready. You should publish it in your blog in the evening of the day before the class. Hope you'll be able to do the tasks and we'll be able to learn something useful about your experience that can help you and your peers in learning the language. Good luck! Looking forward to our next class.

  9. Dear All,

    Here is the explanation about the information you need to collect about the use of the app

    Your task will be to do the following:
    1. download the app you have chosen onto your mobile
    2. use it during the next week and record the following information:

    a) the words you have worked with
    b) what activities you have done with these words
    c) how many words have you learned during the given week: we're going to check it by me asking you to complete a number of exercises

    3. Prepare this information in the form of a table

    4. In class we'll discuss how to write a report about your vocabulary learning experience and prepare a draft together


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