Post 13: Writing a For and Against essay

Dear All,

Choose one of the FOR and AGAINST topics from those we discussed in class with you today (the link to the textbook is in the end of this post) and do the following:

1. List the points on both sides of the issue you are planning to consider and share them in the thread.
2. Write your essay draft, paying special attention to the development of the argument and supporting evidence (how persuasive is it?)
3. Choose 5 expressions from your reading and make your own examples with them. I think it's more useful than providing examples from the dictionary because then you need to understand better how words combine (let me remind you about the Combinatory Dictionary of English, which you can access at and how formal they are.
4. Publish your essay draft in your blog a day before the next class or earlier and share a link to it in the thread.
5. Look through the draft of one of your peers and answer the following questions:
a) Was it interesting for you to read it?
b) Is it persuasive enough?
c) Is it logical?
d) Are there any problems with the language use and/or the mechanics?

As I explained in class, doing this should in the end help you to notice whether your own piece of writing is well-written or needs revision.

I'd also like to share V. Evan's Successful Writing textbook, which we'll use as one of the resources in this class: (can't shorten it for some reason but hope you'll still be able to access it - let me know if there is a problem with it).


  1. here is the link to my essay

  2. My list of 5 expressions:
    1. Censorship
    Strict state censorship is the worst thing that can happen to the mass media.
    2. Heated debate
    The application or abolishment of the death penalty is still the issue of heated debate among lawyers.
    3. Acquire
    He acquired all the fortune illegally.
    4. Public morals
    Sometimes passing of the oddest laws is explained by the interests of public morals.
    5. Informed choice
    Refusal to have children was her informed choice.

  3. Far-and-against points on yhe 10th topic ("What are the advantages and disadvantages of our ever-increasig use of computer technology?")
    1. saving the time
    2. improving the human’s efficiency
    1. addiction
    2. assuming danger of the advanced artificial intellect

    1. Hello Katya, these are good points but one more is necessary on one or both sides. It depends on which side you support

  4. My topic is: Celebrities should be allowed to keep their private lives private, without the invasion of the media.
    1) Celebrities are also people who deserve their private life which is kept in a secret;
    2) Sometimes, persecution by paparazzi could be even dangerous for people (Just remember the story of Princess Diana);
    1) They have chosen that very way of work, therefore they should accept it;
    2) Celebrities have so many benefits, they should just to relax.

    1. Natasha, these are good points but one more is necessary on one or both sides. It depends on which side you support.

  5. My essay is here:;postID=528614048473467645;onPublishedMenu=reading;onClosedMenu=reading;postNum=0;src=postname


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