Post_14: Semester-Task

Dear All,

to complete this semester you need to be ready with the following tasks:

1. A summary of an article with an explanation of why you have chosen it and a set of 3 questions to go with it:

a) What would you like to learn from it?
b) What information from it you knew?
c) What information is /was not clear

Pleasechoose an article that discusses some urgent/vital/very important/urgent/up-to-date issue

Word limit: 300 words

2. A for-and-against essay: It should be based on the discussion of some important issue you are concerned about

Word limit: 400-450 words (this is the upper limit) but you can write a shorter one of 350 words

Choose different topics for tasks 1 & 2

3. A reflective note about the activities you have been offered this semester

You should comment on the activities you did this semester which should include the following details:

a) smth that you found useful
b) smth that was not that useful
c) smth that you would like to do the next semester
d) suggest a couple of topics for discussion

Word limit: 220-250 words

Don't forget to use the Citation Machine (, the Plagiarism Checker ( and the URL shortener (

You need to publish your works in your blogs by December 23. I'll let you know what your grades are on the 25th of December.

Grading criteria:
Your essays will be graded using the following scale:
  1. 10 points Essay content
    10 points Essay organization
    10 points Language
    10 points Mechanics: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity of expression.
    10 points Bonus points for a particularly well-developed essay following all the requirements


    Here is a link to the summary grading rubric:

    Reflective note:

    Follow the link to the Reflective note evaluation criteria t
    You need to publish your works in your blogs by December 23. I'll let you know what your grades are on the 25th of December.

eNatalia EydelmanDecember 12, 2018 at 9:02 Essay grading criteria: 


    1. Summary:

      Here is a link to the summary grading rubric:

      Reflective note:

      Follow the link to the Reflective note evaluation criteria t

    2. Here is a link to a collection of different topics you can choose from:

      1. Also, let me share with you one more resource which explains how to approach writing an argumentative essay:

    3. I have done it too. Here is the link:


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