Semester 2: Task-1 The Global Student

Dear All,

Welcome to the second semester of the Academic Writing course! I hope you had a good semester break and are ready to continue mastering your writing skills.

Today we're going to discuss what students' life around the world is like and then create a guide for the students from other parts of the world coming to study at our university.

It'd be great if as part of this task you could interview a student from another department about what his/her life at the university is like and what kind of experiences s/he has had, both good and not quite.

In the end I'm hoping that we'll be able to create this guide that your peers will be able to use to make their life easier.

In the thread below please share a summary of your discussion of the qus in Ex 1

Also, here is a link to the University of East Anglia students' guidebook:

You should look through it quickly to have an idea about its contents so that you could use some of the ideas in your own guidebook. Also, pay attention to how the sections are structured and use this structure in your guidebook.

To prepare your guidebook you should decide on the order of the sections and coordinate publishing your sections so that they would be organised in a logical order. You can use the order you of the Guidebook we had a look at or arrange it in a different order that would match the logic of your guidebook


  1. Dear All,

    add a summary of your discussion of the questions in ex A in the thread

  2. Katya, Julia and I think that in our university we are practising both types of studying. For example, our practising courses are like in the second picture and our lectures are like in the first picture. In our case we have more practical courses than lectures, but in general it depends on the university which type is more common. As for the benefits of the lectures, it is definetly more convenient for the university to invite one teacher for the whole course and also for teacher to give a lecture just once. It is more profitable for the university. However, practical classes are more productive for students because everyone have to participate in the discussions. Besides, there is more communication between students and teacher, so it is much easier to learn and understand the material while during the lectures you have your own responsibility for everything. We think that both types are useful in their own way.

    1. Thanks for your answer. You've rightly pointed out the features of both types of learning environments. For sure, prac tical classes seem to be more useful but you can't really understand some aspects of what you are studying without getting into the theaory of the subject, can you? In the end, do lectures have any benefits from the students' perspectieve? I am askiong because from your answer I can conclude that lectures only give benefits to the teachers and the university as a whole. Did I un derstand your opinion about it correctly?

    2. A couple of language use notes:
      WordUse: practising courses > practical
      Article use: there is more communication between ART students and ART teacher
      Punctuation: so it is much easier to learn and understand the material while during the lectures you have your own responsibility for everything ...a comma is necessary before "while"

  3. (Kandikova, Bannikova, Evseenko, 17822)
    Here are some thoughts on the topic from our group. Two different styles of teaching have been given to us: seminars and lectures, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Lectures are great for working on the theory with numerous groups. Seminars give an opportunity to work in small groups and clarify some difficult aspects of given material; plus, individual approach may be applied. Both of these styles of teaching are represented at our University in our country; therefore, having experience in both kinds of lessons we can conclude that the best combination is the proportion 1:2 (lecture:seminars). Such proportion allows us to take new material during lectures and practice it thoroughly to get the most out of the lessons.

    1. Hello girls, thanks for sharing your opinion. It is good to know that you seem to have a good understanding of different styles of teaching and learning and an adequate opinion about their proportion. Indeed, working in this mode you can gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Can you give an example of a lecture and a practical class which you remember as being particularly successful from your perspective? What contributed to their success?

  4. Dear All, as I have mentioned today, in the end what you are goinbg to do as part of this lesson is write a guidebook fot the students coming to study here. To approach this task, I am inviting you to get acquainted with the guidebook for the Students studying at the University of East Anglis

    1. Look through the sections of the guide and choose one each for yourself that you will write. You can collect some interesting information from the internet. In addition it would be great if you talked with a student or a couple of students from other departments and find out their opinions about the chosen aspect of their life and study here. Then you can iinclude this information in the guidebook.

    2. Here isw a link to the university guide again:

  5. Dear All, I hope that you are willing to complete this task of creating a university guide for the students considering studying at our university. So, what we're going to do in class today is try to write its sections, with each of your or a couple of you contributing information to one of the sectiions. These sections can be similar to those in the Guidebook we had a look at or somewhat different to make it meet the audience interests better. What I mean is that the guide we had a look at is written by the university staff, while you are students and can write the sections of the guidebook from your own perspective. Have a quick discussion of who is going to write about what, share this information in the thread and prepare the information for your section. You can get more ideas by looking at our university's web-site.

  6. Dear All,

    Here is a list of sections in the Guidebook for the students coming to study at NSU we have come up with:

    1. Things connected with studying:
    a) About useful resources: books, web-sites, the library…
    b) Extracurricular activities: clubs, societies
    2. Exchange programs
    3. Time Management
    4. Attendance requirements: Why you should attend classes
    5. Preparing your portfolio: to enter an MA program
    6. .... (this is for those who have missed the class): Think about some possible content for your section of the guidebook. Consult the University's website for information if necessary
    7. ... (this is for those who have missed the class)
    8. . ... (this is for those who have missed the class)
    9. ...

    Don't forget that your audience is your peers who are considering enetering one of the programs

    The word limit for your section is 300

    It'd be great if you added some images in your post for the guide to look more appealing. You can also consider adding some appropriate video content






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