Task-3: Argumentative essay

Dear All,

The topic we've chosen for our class today is whether it is important to aim for something big in life?

What you are doing now is to discuss different aspects of this question.

In the thread below share the main points of your discussion and emphasize what it made you think about?


  1. We had a discussion in a group of four (Katya Vostrikova, Grisha Dyad’kov, Sonya Datunishvili and I) and we’ve come to a conclusion that it’s not important to aim for something big. We think that it became a necessity in modern world because we can see all the examples of successful people on the Internet and it seems like every person should achieve something big and have a lot of money etc. ; however, life is about joy, not only about the great goals. There is no point in reaching big aims if the whole process is a sacrifice and a person doesn’t live the moment. You can dream small and feel self-sufficient and it’s enough. Don’t let the world rush you, take your time to live the life YOU’ve chosen.

    1. Sometimes the idea that you have to dream big can be even toxic for you. Life is not a battlefield. It is not important to create strategies or plans to win it. Actually, there are not winners or losers at all. All you have to do is just to be happy with everything you are doing and if having a big dream and following it makes you feel so - than just go on.

    2. I agree 100 %. Frankly, I'm not sure that all those "successful" people on the Internet are really what they seem. Neither have they those imaginary big aims. Moreover, a success is often something unstable.

    3. I would like to add that I really don't understand people who dedicate their lives to one big goal. Not only because their life becomes a sacrifice, as Gelya has already said, but also because their plan can just not to work out. If a person live an unhappy life that is full of struggle just to for one goal and doesn't reach it at the end it is awful. It means that you've just wasted the whole life and didn't catch a moment. That is why it is really important to enjoy the process and not only the result.

  2. Arina, Julia, Alex, Polina and I absolutely agree that it is important to aim for something big in life. It is important to have a great aim in our life because it consists of some small goals which we do everyday and it helps us to improve our skills in different activities.
    Learning something new helps you to develop yourself and create something new. Moreover if you do something new and significant you'll be broad-minded. We have only one life, so it is very important to appreciate every day, don't waste your time in vain,and develop yourself,and then you'll achieve the great results.Time and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.

  3. Very wise thoughts and considerations. It's interesting that your opinions have divided so sharply, with one group being for aiming high, while the other keeping to the opposite idea. What comes to mind is a saying, which goes like this: it's better to have tried and failed than never have tried. To my surprise, when I googled it I got this hit i want to share with you https://m-poemhunter-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/m.poemhunter.com/poem-amp/better-to-try-and-fail-than-never-to-try-at-all/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.poemhunter.com%2Fpoem%2Fbetter-to-try-and-fail-than-never-to-try-at-all%2F

    1. Let me share a better link with you to this poem:


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