Post-13: Generating your own strories

Dear All,

are you superstitious? Hope you are not. The reason why I have to mention this is that the Post I've created for today is number 13. However I'm hoping that it woudn't prevent you from creating an interesting story. How? Here is the explanation:

By following the link above you will access a form with the help of which you will be able to receive all the necessary elements for you to create a story.

You will get the following details:

The main character
Character 2
Character action

What you need to do is develop your own strory, using this information. You have 3 attempts at choosing the story elements if you do not like the first or the second one that is generated. Your story should be in the genre of your choice: for example, it could be a love story, an adventure story, a thriller or some other kind of story if you wish. You should be able to finish writing it duringf the class time and publish it in your blog.

Looking forward to reading your stories.


  1. With the help of this plot generator I got the following details for my story:

    A man in his 40es, who can be quite stubborn
    The story begins on the train
    Someone telling the truth is not believed
    It's a story about learning from mistakes.
    Your character has to make a lot of changes

    Not sure where these story elements will take me but hope you woudn't be disappointed with it.

  2. Here's our (we have written it with Julia) story:

    1. You were quick! Did you enjoy writing your story? Did you learn something useful from this experience? Maybe it helped you to get a better idea about you as writers? About smth else?

  3. I've decided to share with you the beginning of my story which I got stuck with and hope that you can give me some suggestions about how to develop it. I've published it at:

  4. Dear All,

    can you let me know whether you found creating your own stories useful in any way and if yes, what made it useful for you. Do you think you should have an opportunity to do such tasks during the course. Why or why not? I'd appreciate your answer. Thanks


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