Post 4: Taboos & Issues: Abortion

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Dear All, I'd like us to discuss one of the Taboos topics that people often feel ashamed to discuss. Choose 3 from the list and discuss why you would be interested in discussinng in more detail.. Share your choice with the others in the thread.

Add a short explanation why you think you'd be interested in discussing this topic.

It's surprising you have chosen 3 topics I thought you would:)
1. Abortion
2. Telling lies
3. The death penalty

The group has chosen these 3 because they seem to be rather tricky. Choose one now and the winner is ABORTION

Now exaplain in 2-3 sentences why this topic is important for you and share it with your peers in the thread.


  1. I suppose that it's quite tricky and important problem in our society.
    On the one hand, it's not so good, yes, because despite all of the discussions, it's a kind of murder, I don't know.
    But on the other hand, sometimes some women could be raped or they do not have the opportuity to raise their children (financial problems, etc).
    So, it depends on the situation.

    1. Natasha, it's clear you are in 2 minds and this issue but in the end you/we did agree on the points "for" age "against to be sure to proceed with the points "For" and "Against" to move further with its discussion

  2. I think this topic is very important, because nowadays there girls and women that do an abortion, and it really depends on the situation. On the one hand, it is very bad, when you have to kill your own child.But still, i think that, if a girl is pregnant in the age of fifteen or sixteen,for example, she should do an abortion. She cannot give a great parenting to her child, because she is a child too. Well, maybe i am not right, but i think that we should have children when we have an opportunity to raise them, and provide them with everything they need.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion. The issue of abortion is indeed very controversial. However, the decision should be made based on the best interests of all the involved

  3. In my opinion, this is a very deep topic for discussion and very important in our society. Abortion can not be called something bad or something good. It depends on situation. Every woman has a choice with regards to her future. But on the other hand, the child has the right to be born. That is why this topic is not the last in the life of women.

    1. Sofia, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I'll comment on your opinion later

    2. Sorry,I didn't manage to reply sooner. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Many people have strong opinions about abortion, with some considering it to be a murder. They think that giving birth to a child should be planned, in which case the person makes a conscious decision. Clearly, circumstances can be different but...

  4. I think it's very complicated question. From my point of view, abortion is a kind of murder. A person can overcome any difficulties and a child is not guilty of anything. Despite this, there are different situations and condemn people we are not in right.

    1. Polina, do I understand correctly that your answer can be summarised as "It all depends"? Indeed. Can you list the points For and Against abortion that come to mind?

  5. Nowadays, abortion is on of the most tricky topic. From my point of view, It should be permitted. People are really interested in their careers now. They want to have a good job, an apartment and enough money to rise a child. It is a great purpose. A child requires really great attention. That is why it is better to have an abortion if your family is not ready mantally or phisically for that. Actually, technology is developing fast and we have all the tools to do it without any bad consequences to a futher delivery. Of course, It is just my point of view.

    1. If to summarize your opinion then, it all goes down to "it all depends" Am I didn'?

  6. Look back at the reasons the girl gives for having an abortion: do you think they are good? Share your opinion in the thread

  7. Look over the discussion questions on p 21 and choose 3 statements and explain your position. Then read the opinon of one of your peers and comment on it, explaining whether you agree with it or not and why

  8. Over the weekend I'll share a new task with you. Check back here what to do for the next class. Good luck!

    1. Dear all, I've realised too late that I didn't share the task I promised with you as I promised. I'm really sorry about it! We'll further discuss the issue of abortion in class today and we'll start writing a longer piece about it

  9. Dear All,

    to continue the discussion of Abortion I'm inviting you to find an article about abortion in the Guardian and do the following:

    a) Explain what issue(s) associated with abortion the article is devoted to
    b) Share an example from the article illustrating one of its points.
    c) Add what the article made you thihk about

  10. Dear All, thanks for sharing your opinions. It was interesting for me to get acquainted with them. In my comments I sometimes asked you a question or encouraged you to research the question further, so I'd like to ask you for a piece of advice. Would you like to continue this discussion or turn to the discussion of a new topic?


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