Task 2: Are you happy with your body

Dear All,

I was not quite sure the topic for today's discussion will fascinate everybody but still decided to discuss your attitudes to plastic surgery

In the thread below publish the information about the attitude to it among one of the following groups:

a) people from Russia
b) people from one of the European countries
c) people from the USA
d) men
e) women

here are the organizations you need to check the information from:


  1. Here is a link to the list of statistics agencies


    A. Decide information from which agencies you'd like to investigare
    B. Check what kind of information is available
    c. How much you can you trust this information? Why?

  2. According to Levada Center's survey in 2014,

    1. 68% of Russian people are negative on plastic surgeries, 27% - positive
    2. 73% of Russian men are negative, 21% - positive
    3. 64% of Russian women are negative, 33% - positive

    1. Thanks for the information. Did anything surprise you? Why or why not?

    2. Those figures were not surprising at all. But we suppose something has changed through 5 years and now people are probably more acceptable of plastic surgeries.

  3. Arina, Julia and I found this:
    Since 2000, overall procedures have risen 115 percent, but the types of procedures patients are choosing are changing.Since 2000, ASPS* statistics show considerable growth in:
    Breast lifts, up 89 percent (99,614 in 2015, up from 52,836 in 2000)
    Buttock lifts, up 252 percent (4,767 in 2015, up from 1,356 in 2000)
    Lower body lifts, up 3,973 percent (8,431 in 2015, up from 207 in 2000)
    Upper arm lifts, up 4,959 percent (17,099 in 2015, up from 338 in 2000)

    *ASPS - the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

    1. Thanks for working quick! Has this statistics surprised you? If yes or no, why?

    2. Yes, we are definitely surprised because these results are really shoking (we mean the growth of the percent)

  4. Good Afternoon! Today I decided to talk about the statistics of plastic surgery in Russia. To do this, I want to give statistics from the Vademecum site, because I believe that there is the most up-to-date and verified information.
    "In 2013–2017 - the first five years of Vademecum's close attention to aesthetic plastic surgery - this segment of the domestic medical services market grew by 33%, to 158 thousand operations per year, placing Russia in the TOP15 countries of the world in the number of specialized surgical interventions. An industry that has overcome external and internal crises has entered a zone of stability and has demonstrated the ability to support the trends of the global aesthetic industry. Russian surgeons are reorienting to fast operations that do not require deep anesthesia and a long hospital stay, such as, for example, blepharoplasty or lipofilling, and are becoming more and more enthusiastic about cosmetology injections.

    In 2017, the Russian plastic surgery market reached record speeds in the past five years: a national study conducted annually by the Vademecum Analytical Center showed that last year the country underwent almost 158,000 aesthetic interventions, and the total costs of patients for themed medical services were 12, 3 billion rubles.
    The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) has not yet published the results of its traditional study of the global plastics market in 2017, but if you focus on the open figures of 2016, Russia confidently claims to be the 11th line in the ranking of countries - leaders in the number of interventions, approaching such aesthetic grandees as France (259 thousand operations in 2016), Spain (226 thousand) and Japan (209 thousand)."
    Source: Vademecum number 12, 2018.
    Thus, we can note that the popularity of plastic surgery in Russia has noticeably increased compared to the last decade, which tells us about the popularity of this field of surgery and the positive attitude of citizens of the Russian Federation to it.

    Source link: https://vademec.ru/article/rossiya_voshla_v_top15_stran_po_kolichestvu_plasticheskikh_operatsiy/

    1. Thanks for sharing this information with us. And as we mentioned many times today these data is not surprising. However, I am curious about the future: what do you think the future trends will be? Of course, you are not a reseracher (reserachers) but what your feeling is?

    2. I believe that this trend will gain popularity, because the 21st century is the age of information technology, which leads to the popularization of the American trends in plastic surgery, so in Russia, plastic surgery has a bright future.

  5. Italy is the land of beauty, the capital of fashion and style, familiar to us from beautiful Italian women and irresistible Italian men.People from all over the world come to Italy because it is there that highly qualified and experienced doctors are located, besides in the clinics of Italy only new and modern equipment. Below I want to attach a link to the site. Here all the new and reliable information about plastic surgery in Italy.

    1. Thanks, Polina. I think its Interesting information. And you consider it reliable because it comes from a statiscal agency, don't you? But I have a question why you used a Russian source to find out about the situation in Italy or maybe I did not understand smth?

  6. I’ve decided to research a plastic surgery of Spain. With an area of 505,990 km2, Spain is the largest country in Southern Europe, the second largest country in Western Europe and the European Union, and the fourth largest country in the European continent. That is why I was interested how the plastic surgery is popular there. Plastic surgery clinics in Spain are of the best and highest standards with strict policies in place by the Spanish government. The most popular treatments are:
    Breast enlargement
    Breast reduction
    Breast uplifts
    Tummy tuck
    Nose reshaping
    Brow lift
    Face lift
    Eye bag removal
    Here is the link for more information of plastic surgery in Spain: https://www.spainmadesimple.com/plastic-surgery/

  7. The curious thing is that the opinion about plastic surgery among Russian people depends much on the age, the level of education and the level of income. Thus, if we look at the percentage of those who are strongly against plastic surgery (according to the data of 2014 by Левада-Центр) it is almost twice as many among people who are older than 55, with no education and extreme low level of income.

  8. Dear All,

    Thanks for your participation in the discussion and sharing your ideas with us, What you need to do next is write a draft of an essay discussing the Pros and Cons of plastic surgery using some of the statiscal information when appropriate from the resources you have looked through today.

    I'll share with you some information that will help you write your essay draft better.

    Good luck!

    1. Dear All,

      I am terribly sorry. I've just discovered before leaving for the uni that for some reason the post with my tips for your essay draft has disappered. Not sure what happened. I AM sorry! We'll try to fix the problem in class,

    2. Here are the materials we'll study with you to revise the structure of a For-And-Against Essay:


    3. https://zarkovarina.blogspot.com/2019/03/plastic-surgery-its-pros-and-cons.html#more

  9. https://ekaterinavostrikova.blogspot.com/2019/03/nowadays-it-appears-that-plastic.html

  10. https://juliaosadchaya17822.blogspot.com/2019/03/essay-pros-and-cons-of-plastic-surgery.html


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